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零舟妍畢業於西門菲沙大學傳理系,擁有超過十年本地新聞經驗。她曾於《明報》加西版擔任專題記者,現職OMNI電視《都會聚焦》中文監製。除了每日新聞,她亦主導製作各類新聞及時事節目,包括《2021 聯邦大選直播特備節目》及《亞裔傳統文化月特輯》等。
Charlene Ling graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA degree in Communications and brings over ten years of experience in journalism. She previously excelled as a feature reporter at Ming Pao Canada and currently holds the position of producer at OMNI News for “Focus Cantonese” and “Focus Mandarin.” In addition to overseeing daily news coverage, she leads the production of a variety of news and current affairs programs, including notable features like “2021 Federal Election Live Coverage” and “Asian Heritage Month Specials.”
With a strong commitment to community engagement, Charlene is passionate about uncovering compelling stories and amplifying diverse voices within the community.
跨越12570公里,從香港來到多倫多,詹善琿從Centennial College的傳理系畢業後,曾在CBC及Beach Metro News等機構工作.她目前是OMNI TV Focus Cantonese的記者,通曉廣東話,普通話及英文,以報導本地新聞為主,同時亦對移民,政治,文化及人文故事等專題深感興趣,如果有任何故事希望獲得關注,歡迎電郵至cindy.chim@rci.rogers.ca
Cindy is a multi-language journalist who travelled 12,540.66 km, from Hong Kong to Toronto. After her graduation from Centennial College, she worked for CBC and Beach Metro News before moving to OMNI TV as a Chinese reporter. Cindy is experienced in reporting local news, and particularly interested in covering immigrants, politics, culture and human-interest stories. If you have any tips for her, please feel free to email: cindy.chim@rci.rogers.ca
於2023年移居多倫多的馬琛沂(Ellen) 擁有多年傳媒行業經驗,目前在Omni電視台任職記者和主持。
Ellen在加入Omni電視台之前,曾在新時代電視台(Fairchild Television)擔任主持和記者,涵蓋本地和國際新聞,不斷精進她的現場報導和新聞製作技能。
Ellen也先後在香港的電視廣播有限公司 (TVB) 和鳳凰衛視擔任主播、記者和編輯,工作範圍包括撰寫新聞報道、主持天氣報告,節目製作和為多輯紀實節目擔任旁述等。
Currently based in Toronto, Ellen serves as a writer, news anchor, and reporter at Omni Television, committed to informing diverse audiences about critical news stories.
Before joining Omni Television, Ellen was a reporter and host at Fairchild Television, covering both local and international news. Prior to her relocation to Canada in 2023, Ellen excelled as a news anchor and editor at Phoenix Satellite Television. Her earlier career at Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) involved covering breaking news, hosting weather forecasts, producing feature programs, and narrating documentaries, showcasing her versatility in the field.
Ellen earned her Journalism and Mass Communications degree in 2019, and is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese, ensuring authentic news delivery across diverse audiences.
何文俊在香港新聞界擁有多年經驗,曾在報館、電視台及網媒任職,2023年移民溫哥華尋求新生活。他現職OMNI電視《都會聚焦》中文撰稿員,他認爲傳媒工作富滿足感,很高興成為OMNI News一份子,讓他能在一萬公里外的同一天空下發揮專長,繼續以自己的母語,為加拿大廣大華人觀眾服務。
Jony Ho brings extensive experience from the Hong Kong news industry, having worked across newspapers, television, and online media. He relocated to Vancouver in 2023 to pursue new opportunities. Currently, he serves as a writer for OMNI News on “Focus Cantonese” and “Focus Mandarin.”
Passionate about his work in media, Jony finds great fulfillment in contributing to OMNI News. He is enthusiastic about leveraging his skills from across the globe to serve the Chinese community in Canada under the same sky, ten thousand kilometers away.
蘇嘉欣現職OMNI 電視粵語新聞《都會聚焦》主播。 她在大學時代隨家人從香港移民至溫哥華,畢業後一直從事新聞工作。曾先後於本地華語電台及電視台任職,參與包括 新聞採訪、時事節目製作和訪談節目主持等工作。
蘇嘉欣兩度榮獲本地韋伯斯特新聞大獎 Jack Webster最佳華語報導獎項。
Karen So has been the anchor for OMNI’s signature news program, Focus Cantonese, since its inception. Karen moved to Vancouver with her family from Hong Kong during her university years. She started her career in news with a local Chinese-language radio station and has since been a staple of the Chinese-language news scene. Throughout the years, she has participated in producing current affairs programs, reporting in daily news, and hosting current affairs talk shows.
Karen is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Jack Webster News Award.
李立本 Kenneth Li是一位資深新聞工作者及主持人,目前擔任多元文化電視台OMNI粵語新聞主播。他出生於香港,在香港樹仁大學新聞系畢業後,先後在當地商業電台及廣告公司工作。移民多倫多後,他在新時代電視擔任記者及主播,之後轉至CFMT/OMNI 電視台工作,至今已超過25年。李立本樂於參與社區服務,長期致力於推動青少年工作及中華文化傳承。他曾擔任安省大專中文辯論比賽評判長達20年,自2014年起擔任青少年中華學藝比賽評委。在業餘時間,李立本喜歡打籃球和乒乓球,並熱衷於與家人旅行和品嚐美食。
Kenneth Li, an experienced journalist and TV host, currently serves as the Cantonese News Anchor for OMNI News in Ontario.
Born in Hong Kong, he graduated from the Journalism department of Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Following his education, he worked for Hong Kong Commercial Radio and advertising agency. Upon immigrating to Toronto, he took on roles as a reporter and anchor at Fairchild TV before transitioning to CFMT/OMNI, where he has been working for over 25 years.
Passionate about community service, Kenneth has dedicated himself to youth initiatives and the promotion of Chinese culture. He has served as a judge for the Ontario Inter-collegiate Chinese Debate Contest for 20 years and has been a judge for the Chinese Arts and Literary Contest since 2014.
In his spare time, Kenneth enjoys playing basketball and table tennis, and he loves traveling and savouring good food with his family.
鄧永璋於加拿大約克大學經濟系畢業,畢業回港後曾從事金融業一段短暫時間,其後在中國經建月報擔任資料搜集員數年後移民加拿大,並先後在溫哥華多家華語傳媒任職記者及新聞主播,當中包括城市電視、明報加西版、華僑之聲電台及Channel M多元文化電視台,現職Omni多元文化電視台資深記者。
Otto Tang graduated from York University in Canada with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. After completing his study, he went back to Hong Kong to work for “Chinese Economy Monthly” as a researcher for several years before immigrated to Vancouver. In Vancouver, he worked for several Chinese media outlets as a reporter and news anchor, including Talentvision, Ming Pao Canada, AM 1320 and Channel M.
尚未加盟OMNI News之前, 我是一名在多倫多從事中文報業媒體良久的文字記者, 並曾連續3年榮獲約克區警隊, 最佳多元族裔警察新聞報導獎. 對接觸不同階層人士, 不同性質新聞, 都充滿熱誠, 從突發新聞至法庭新聞; 從知名人士專訪至採訪一般市民對時事看法; 從政治新聞至影響民生新聞, 盼帶給觀眾從不同角度, 了解各類新聞.
Before joining OMNI News in July 2022, Percta was a veteran Chinese newspaper reporter. She has been awarded 3 Consecutive Years of Best Multicultural Police News Story by York Regional Police.
Percta is enthusiastic about covering everything from breaking news to court cases; from prominent figures to ordinary humans, and from politics to lifestyle.
在加入OMNI TV之前,Ryanne在時政、商業報導及紀錄片制作中積累經驗。她曾在非洲、中東及亞洲多個國家進行采訪。作為記者,她希望能為社區帶來更多啟發思考的報導。她有香港大學新聞碩士學位及香港中文大學性別研究碩士學位。閒暇時,Ryanne喜歡閱讀,做瑜伽和跳阿根廷探戈。
When Ryanne moved across continents to Toronto by herself, she took two suitcases, an abundance of curiosity, and a leap of faith. Before joining OMNI TV, she had years of experience in current affairs reporting and documentary making. She worked and talked with people from all walks of life in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. One of her passions is to bridge the gap between sciences and the communities she lives in. She holds degrees in journalism and gender studies.
One of the movie characters Ryanne resonates with is James in About Time, a time traveller who spent most of his borrowed time on books. Yes, that’s how much she enjoys reading!
Ryanne also practices yoga and dances Argentine tango.
加入OMNI News前,於香港各大電視台新聞部,包括無綫電視、亞洲電視、有線新聞,擔任主播及記者。2015年加入香港無綫電視TVB新聞部,晉升至首席新聞報道員,直播經驗豐富及擁有敏銳的時事觸覺。
Yoyo Li brings over a decade of extensive experience in television journalism, specializing in news reporting and interviews. In April 2023, she commenced her tenure as a reporter and anchor at “Focus Cantonese”, where she conducted exclusive interviews with prominent government officials such as B.C. Premier David Eby and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim, also overing current affairs of particular interest to the local Chinese community.
Prior to her role at OMNI News, Yoyo held pivotal roles in the news departments of major television stations in Hong Kong, including TVB, ATV, and i-CABLE, where she excelled as both anchor and reporter. Notably, she joined TVB News in 2015 and ascended to the esteemed position of Principal News Anchor, amassing extensive experience in live broadcasting and demonstrating a keen grasp of contemporary events.
OMNI News: Cantonese Edition
The OMNI NEWS: Cantonese National Edition news team bring viewers a comprehensive look at both national and international news from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.[…]
Focus Cantonese
A current affairs series with focus on local issues from the unique perspective of the Cantonese community.[…]
OMNI News: Cantonese Edition
The OMNI NEWS: Cantonese National Edition news team bring viewers a comprehensive look at both national and international news from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.[…]
OMNI 電視台是加拿大唯一的多元文化電視台