Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Liberal MP Shawn Chen | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Liberal MP Shawn Chen | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.’

In this installment, we hear from Shawn Chen, Liberal MP for Scarborough North.

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Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Liberal MP Mary Ng | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Liberal MP Mary Ng | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.’

In this installment, we hear from Mary Ng, Liberal MP for Markham—Thornhill and Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omnitelevision/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OMNITelevision
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OMNITelevision

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Conservative MP Kenny Chiu | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Conservative MP Kenny Chiu | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.’

In this installment, we hear from Kenny Chiu, Conservative MP for Steveston—Richmond East.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omnitelevision/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OMNITelevision
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OMNITelevision

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Conservative MP Nellie Shin | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Conservative MP Nellie Shin | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.’

In this installment, we hear from Nellie Shin, Conservative MP for Port Moody—Coquitlam.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omnitelevision/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OMNITelevision
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OMNITelevision

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with PC Foreign Affairs Critic Michael Chong | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with PC Foreign Affairs Critic Michael Chong | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.

First up is Michael Chong, a Conservative MP from Wellington-Halton Hills, who’s also the Foreign Affairs Critic for the Conservative Party.

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with NDP MP Jenny Kwan | OMNI News Mandarin

Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with NDP MP Jenny Kwan | OMNI News Mandarin

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, OMNI Television sat down with some Canadian politicians of Asian descent to hear about their career path in politics, their thoughts on how to get more Asian voices into parliament and what Asian Heritage Month means to them.

In our second installment, we hear from Jenny Kwan, NDP MP for Vancouver-Mount Pleasant

Ontario advocates push to vaccinate frontline workers | OMNI News Mandarin

Ontario advocates push to vaccinate frontline workers | OMNI News Mandarin


Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter is calling on the Ontario government to immediately prioritize COVID-19 vaccine distribution to frontline workers they say are disproportionately impacted by new variants of the virus, many of whom are racialized, immigrant, women and young undocumented workers.

Chinese advocates want Ontario frontline workers vaccinated first | OMNI News Mandarin

Chinese advocates want Ontario frontline workers vaccinated first | OMNI News Mandarin


平权会多伦多分会现在有一个项目,专门协助前线员工打疫苗。很多前线工作人员工作很忙,上网,英文或者交通有困难, 我们的项目就是专门协助他们申请或打疫苗,也可以帮助没有身份的人士申请。我们知道不少前线工作的员工没有身份,应该多关注他们,因为他们受到很大影响

The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter is calling on the Ontario government to immediately prioritize COVID-19 vaccine distribution to frontline workers they say are disproportionately impacted by the virus.